The Art of Conversation

When was the last time you had a real conversation? One not over WhatsApp or Hinge, or a brief catch-up / small talk exchange with your favorite barista? But a two-way exchange about something meaningful? A new paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests that people are too quick to pull the plug on a good conversation — thinking, mistakenly, that conversations that last for more than a few minutes are perceived as boring by their conversation companion. A journalist recently spoke with Dr. Michael Kardas, a researcher at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and

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Ben & Jerry’s and ‘Caring Capitalism’ | Ep. 4

In this podcast, we dive into how quirky ice cream founders, Ben and Jerry, have been the poster case to create a new kind of company that is friendlier to social enterprise: the Benefit Corporation. Today’s guest is a long time friend and inspiration for Doug Wickert. Listening time: 30 minutes Read more about Ben & Jerry’s B Corp journey. Curious about Benefit Corporations & Certified B Corps?

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Interview w/ VoyageLA | VoyageOhio

It’s the small victories that prevent me from jumping out the window. – Unknown Today is a special day for @staycuriousorg. The interview with VoyageOhio went live today. Being called a ‘Rising Star’ still seems odd, however, I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to collaborate them. Hopefully, it’s the first of many interviews to come. Let’s go Cleveland!! VoyageOhio is part of the LA-based Voyage Group of Magazines. Their mission is to promote mom and pops, artists, creatives, makers and small businesses by providing a platform for these hidden gems to tell their stories in their own words. Test

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How It Started

Origin Story The concept started in San Diego, CA back in 2012. This Satori-like experience was born out of the onslaught of social media that was being thrown out into the web from family, friends, and complete strangers. Millions of us sharing the fun times and personal experiences we were creating in life, the weekend activities, commenting on pop culture and headlines, sharing memes or the latest app that kept us entertained. Yet, there we were, connected to everyone with tons of information and knowledge. Literally at our finger tips. Paralyzed by social media boredom. The ‘anchor belief’ for this

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Body Positivity & Fashion | 2022 EveryBODY Fashion Show

Body positivity is more than a buzzword. It has a range of origins and cultural roots dating back to the fat acceptance movement of the 1960s. Over the past decade, it’s picked up momentum with brands & groups championing similar themes in their own campaigns. The fashion merchandising class at Youngstown State University is doing just this as they head back indoors for 2022 and its EveryBODY Fashion Show. The message the show sends is powerful: Everyone’s body is beautiful and deserves to be acknowledged as such. Many suffer from an eating disorder and the stigma around getting help for

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Curiosity + Creativity = Innovation

If there’s an algorithm for Innovation, it must begin with two key components, Curiosity & Creativity. These two words lie at the very foundation of every true innovative process. If great minds like Newton, Einstein, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci have anything in common, it would be these two qualities: Curiosity and Creativity. But let’s back it up and try to define these three words: Creativity, Curiosity, and Innovation algorithm. Creativity is the innate ability to use one’s imagination to bring an original idea to life. It can also be the use of original ideas to invent something; it can

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What is an Autodidact?

Autodidactism: The ultimate guide to becoming a self learner Ask any successful person how they feel about education, and almost all of them will tell you that education was a big part of their success. But with the skyrocketing cost of college, advanced education is becoming out of reach for a growing number of people. So how do you maintain and expand on your education without sinking into a lifetime of student loan debt? Enter the world of a little known practice called autodidactism. In this very long article, we will explain what an autodidact is, why you should be

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Fashion, Body Positivity & Eating Disorders | Ep. 18

This week’s episode includes a wonderful conversation with three women who are raising awareness about body positivity and eating disorders. Youngstown State University’s Fashion Merchandising Department will be hosting the annual everyBODY Fashion Show on Wednesday, April 28th at 6PM. The show promotes inclusivity for all ages, sexualities and body-types. The show is dedicated to Danielle Peters, a former merchandising, fashion and interiors student of Youngstown State University. Peters died due to complications from bulimia in the summer of 2012. Special Guests: Professor Jennifer Frank, ShaCora Smith & Nina Schubert Professor Jennifer Frank is the Merchandising Fashion & Interiors professor

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5 New Year’s resolutions for 2022 (even in a pandemic)

As we usher in another new year in the throes of a global pandemic, it’s time to call BS on diets that don’t serve us and habits that distract us from what we want to be doing with our lives. For 2022, I’m playing hardball by tossing soft and meeting you where you are — in your home, trying to make the best choices for your own health and that of your family. New Year’s resolutions are personal and, crucially, optional — you don’t necessarily need to make any. But if you’re inspired to make small changes that could have

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Cure Boredom in 60 Seconds | Evolution (Lyric Video)

Feeling overwhelmed with what is happening nowadays? Here’s a 60 second, old school, music video made a few years. Shot on location in San Diego, CA back in 2014 for ill-prepared, unsuccessful Indiegogo Campaign. After that, play it again. It’s only a min long. Want more DJ T-Rock & Squashy Nice?

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