There is no magic formula for how to be human and lead a fulfilling life, but there are certain rules that can help us make our way through ‘the Happening’. The rules for being human are not actually ancient Sanskrit rules, but a modern interpretation of Hindu philosophical teachings.

Rule 1: Your physical body is given to you for life

You may not like your body, but it is yours forever, so you must accept it as it is.

Rule 2: You will be taught endless lessons

No one knows all the secrets of life and the universe. Life is a constant learning experience, and every day is a new lesson. Being able to learn these lessons qualitatively is the key to gradually unlocking the secrets of life.

Rule 3: Treat your mistakes as lessons

Your growth and development is actually a series of mistakes, failures and missteps, so you must be prepared for them. Don’t get discouraged and take them as a given and inevitable. Or rather, as an invaluable lesson…many lessons. Laugh at your own failures and gain experience.

Rule 4: The lesson will be repeated until you learn it

Life lessons are repeated many times until you learn them. Obstacles will reappear again and again unless you learn from your actions. Recognize that you are not a victim of circumstance, and that everything that happens to you is your own doing. Blaming others for your own mistakes is denial. You alone are responsible for your actions.

Rule 5: The learning process never ends

Don’t be fooled: you will never stop learning as long as you live. There is no magic key to happiness, so instead of criticizing yourself and losing confidence, learn to adapt and change. Accept your shortcomings and be flexible, otherwise you’ll get stuck in a relentless cycle of your mistakes.

Rule 6: Be grateful for what you have

Yes, the grass in your neighbor’s yard may be fresher and greener, but you should be grateful for what you have. Learn to appreciate your own tangible and intangible things instead of comparing them to what other people have. Live in the present, not the future or the past, and you will be at peace and in harmony with yourself.

Rule 7: Others are a reflection of yourself

Depending on what you love or hate about yourself, you similarly love or hate something in others. Learn to be tolerant and accept the difference of all people. Be objective. If you are not able to do this, you will not be able to cope with life.

Rule 8: Only you control your own destiny.

When you are born, you are given all the resources you need to be happy and successful. But how you use them is entirely up to you. Take responsibility for your choices and let go of what doesn’t go your way. Don’t let your anger and negativity in – they will “corrupt” your thinking. Humans are adventurous creatures, and we all have the power to change our lives for the better.

Rule 9: All the answers are within you.

If you want to succeed in life, learn to trust your intuition. Trust that inner voice always gives you the right clues, just be able to hear it and understand it correctly.